About Us

Britannia Numismatics offers an eclectic inventory of primarily World and Canadian tokens and medals, and Canadian banking memorabilia. Like many of you, I started collecting as a child and eventually transitioned to dealing in the early 1990s. Over the past several years we have offered a diverse selection of tokens and medals on eBay and through private sales. I have had thousands of transactions on eBay, I am also a member of CAND (Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers) and adhere to the high degree of professionalism that it expects from its members. In addition to CAND, I am a member of many collectors’ organizations and have provided links to a few of them below.
You can shop directly on my eBay store and I invite you to peruse our articles here.
It is all about your collection, and what we can do to help you build it. We offer you personalized service and will work on your “want list”. If there is a general area of items that you are looking for, or a specific item please contact us. Often, items that come into our inventory go directly to those who have submitted want lists.
All the Best,
Stephen Oatway
I am a member of the Canadian Association of Numismatic Dealers, and many other organisations including – American Numismatic Association, Atlantic Provinces Numismatic Association, Canadian Association of Token Collectors, Canadian Banking Memorabilia Society, Canadian Paper Money Society, Medal Collectors of America, Ontario Numismatic Association, Royal Canadian Numismatic Association, and the Token Corresponding Society.